1) Successfully developed ART352-L, a liposomal formulation of recombinant human WNT3A protein, that is applied ex vivo, to harvested autologous bone graft (autograft) to enhance the osteogenic ...
Maggie, a former marathon runner, was diagnosed in 2006 with multiple sclerosis—a disease whose symptoms progress from relatively mild, such as the limb numbness she experiences, to severe, such as ...
The signaling protein Wnt7a has been implicated in ensuring nerve cells called neurons reach their correct targets and in the formation of synapses between neurons; however studies of the role of ...
Jonathan Thomas, PhD, JD, is President and CEO of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Thomas was previously the Chair of the CIRM governing Board from June 2011 to March 2023.
人们认为鳞状肺癌是从正常干细胞到癌前病变再到浸润性肺癌逐步发生的。这项研究采用了一种特殊技术,从鳞状肺癌患者的气道中分离出干细胞和癌前病变细胞。它还用于从同一患者组织中 ...
The last thing Maria Torres expected was to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. She exercised, ate well and kept her weight under control. There had to be some mistake. Maria asked her doctor to repeat ...
Thèmes de Voyage Enquêteur Titre de la subvention Valeur du prix Conférence – Gérer l’assemblée annuelle des Bridges Ralph Feuer Assemblée annuelle des ponts 2017 $153,449 Ponts Ralph Feuer Programme ...
The simple term “stem cell” actually refers to many different types of cells. The tissue-specific stem cells, or adult stem cells, replenish tissues throughout our lives. Embryonic stem cells exist ...
L'insuffisance cardiaque se caractérise par un déclin débilitant de la fonction cardiaque, et les résultats d'essais cliniques récents indiquent que l'amélioration de la contractilité des cellules du ...
Embryonic stem cells have the potential to help treat 70 or more diseases, but developing those new therapies will take time. Alan Lewis is the former president and CEO of Novocell (now ViaCyte), a La ...
Yhdysvaltojen ulkopuoliset organisaatiot ovat alkaneet mainostaa kantasolupohjaisia parannuskeinoja sairauksiin, ja yhä useammat amerikkalaiset matkustavat saadakseen näitä parannuskeinoja.
Le rapport annuel 2017 du CIRM détaille comment la Stem Cell Agency de Californie transforme la médecine, les vies et l'avenir en accélérant les traitements par cellules souches pour les patients dont ...