But few remember the presidential hunting trip and state boundary dispute that led to the sale of the first such bear on this date in 1903. President Theodore Roosevelt, often known as Teddy ...
In 1909, wealthy widow Susie W. Allgood marketed a plush marsupial inspired by President William Howard Taft. But children ...
Teddy Roosevelt Goes Flying The Wright exhibition team was performing at an air meet in St. Louis when pilot Arch Hoxsey crossed paths with Teddy Roosevelt on October 11, 1910. At the time ...
We’ve talked to Jack Lanier many times on law enforcement stories, but these days he often spends his time as our 26th ...
Indeed, adventure is his legacy to us today. Jim McCafferty is the author of a children’s book entitled Holt And The Teddy Bear about Theodore Roosevelt’s famed Mississippi black bear hunt, which was ...
We’ve talked to Jack Lanier many times on law enforcement stories, but these days he often spends his time as our 26th ...
The history of the teddy bear dates back to the early 20th century. It was named after US President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt. It is said that during a hunting trip, Roosevelt refused to kill a ...