With the class struggle suppressed and Labour in power, opportunity has been given to the far-right to scapegoat migrants for ...
A mini-issue of Black Flag, aimed at people attending Marxism 2003, the annual event of the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party. The Socialist Alliance: Is it a force worth turning out for, or is it ...
Cardiff workers have been joined in action by workers at the Princes plants in Bradford, Glasgow, Long Sutton and Wisbech.
A restoration of the term ‘Republican Clubs’ to the name of the Workers’ Party is a “powerful reminder” of the party’s ...
Low-paid retail workers at YoungOnes, a firm supplying workers to high street shops, have to pay a fee to access their wages ...
International Socialist Alternative (ISA) split. The ISA itself was the product of a 2019 split in the Committee for a Workers’ International ( CWI) led by the Socialist Party of England and Wales ( ...
Labour snubbed teachers at sixth form colleges that haven’t been turned into academies by excluding them from a 5.5 percent ...
Left in the hands of Unite and their pseudo-left apologists, the Luton plant will close according to Stellantis’s timetable.
Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau stepped down this week amid a growing political crisis since he was elected in 2015.
Socialist Worker was the publication of the ... seeking out the stories of struggles of workers and the oppressed that are seldom reported in the mainstream media--and never reported on from ...