It is commonly accepted that insects could possibly be a mechanical vector for transferring pathogens. Especially now larvae ...
While toilet bowls are designed such that the contents are supposed to flush downward, scientists have known for decades that ...
Scientists discovered genes in the tuberculosis bacterium that becomes essential for the pathogen's survival when it's exposed to air through coughing. These genes could be targets for new therapies ...
it should help scientists to improve predictive models for respiratory disease transmission in indoor environments, and could even inform the design of masks and ventilation systems that mitigate the ...
Flavescence dorée, a dreaded grapevine disease among winegrowers, is spreading beyond cultivated vineyards. A joint study by the federal research institute WSL and Agroscope published in the Journal ...
The evidence is convincing in terms of the soundness of the theoretical projections and the impact that accounting for group sizes may have on inferences from surveillance data. However, it has not ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a series of documents covering the relevance of a range of pathogens in ...
This strategy is particularly vital for places like live-bird markets, where the risk of pathogen transmission from animals to animals and from animals to humans (zoonotic spillover) is very high.
Mosquitoes might be the bane of a summer barbecue in Kendall or a stroll on Miami Beach, but researchers in Florida are now ...
I was particularly interested in whether colder temperatures might be influencing its survival and facilitating its transmission from surfaces." The pathogen that causes pink eye in songbirds ...