Courtesy of Jackie Robinson Training Complex Jackie Robinson slides during Spring Training at Dodgertown in Vero Beach, Fla. in 195 ...
A version of this story originally appeared on in 2006. We present it here once more as Minor League Baseball ...
Carl Crawford's intention were probably good when he wore special Jackie Robinson Air Jordans. But when he wore one of each color it screamed 'Look at me!' on a day when all players were wearing ...
Slide into the driver's seat and picture Robinson ... Would you cruise the streets in Jackie Robinson's classic ride? Let us know in the comments below, and if you dug this article, give it ...
"Jackie Robinson's impact was greater than just that of baseball. He was a transforming agent and in the face of such hostility and such meanness and violence, he did it with such amazing dignity.
Jackie Robinson was an exceptional athlete and a civil rights leader. On April 15, 1947, he broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball when he trotted out to first base for the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Jackie Robinson played in Louisville before he broke Major League Baseball's color barrier. He also came to Kentucky for the March on Frankfort.